Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Gunfight at Beggar's Gulch

Solo Western Action with Six Gun Sound

 It's amazing that given all the spare time I should have had with the lockdowns last year and not having to travel into work, that I only managed to play two solo wargames. Here's the first using Two Hour Wargames Six Gun Sound rules. I've played quite a bit of THW rules, mainly Rally Round The King and 5150. They are enjoyable to play with lots of reactions, rather than IGOUGO type rules.

On one side there was Butch, a Rep 5 Gunfighter, and Sid, a Rep 4 Gunfighter. On the other side were Dirk and Nancy, again Rep 5 and 4 Gunfighters.

The buildings were from Blotz and Empire At War and the figures from Blue Moon's 15mm western range.

Both sides started standing facing each other along the main street of Beggar's Gulch.

Butch drew first, missing Dirk, but causing him the fire back and again miss. Dirk then moved to cover, realising standing in the open was just plain stupid.

Nancy shot at Sid, but again missed. Sid returned fire and Nancy slumped to the ground. Sid too thought standing in the open and both he and Butch ran for cover.

Both Butch and Dirk thought the sneak around the back of the buildings, but Dirk proved to have the steadier nerve and soon Butch lay crumpled on the ground. Sid meanwhile was crossing open ground to get to where Dirk was, after hiding in the church.

Both found cover and a furious see if I can hit the barrel competition began, just as the sun came out and the colours sparkled in the camera lens. Eventually Dirk bored of the game and managed to hit Sid, who after three pirouettes and a last minute monologue, collapsed to the floor to breath his last.

Altogether a fun hours play, now just to get around to playing another game of it.

Very impressed with both the Blotz and Empire At War buildings. The Blotz buildings, the three stores, were much easier to put together and held in place while the glue dried. The Empire At War buildings, the stable and the church, were more complex and required some clamping and taping while the glue dried. Neither required painting, the Empire At War buildings arriving pre-painted and I was happy with the wood look on the Blotz ones.

Next up will be a battle report on my Fear and Faith game.

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